AMS 4928 Aerospace Material Specification Ti-6AL-4V
Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and Drawn Shapes, 6Al - 4V, Annealed UNS R56400
Alpha-Beta titanium alloy
It is part of the Aerospace Material Standards series from SAE International.
This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings, flash welded rings, drawn shapes, and stock for forging or flash welded rings.
Application: These products have been used typically for parts requiring moderate strength with a maximum service temperature in the 750 to 900°F (399 to 510℃) range depending on time at temperature where the product is to be used in the annealed condition, but usage is not limited to such applications.
Annealing: Heat to a temperature within the range 1300 to 1450°F (704 to 788℃),hold at the selected temperature within +/-25°F (+/-14℃) for not less than 1 hour, and cool as required, held at heat for 20 minutes +/-3, cooled in air, and rescaled